Five ways individuals can help save the oceans
I have never understood why society believes young people are not capable of changing the world; ideas change the world, and young people are full of ideas and the energy to implement them. Most people today are not in the business of generating new ideas or actively seeking new ways to look at the world. Instead, they are trying to figure out how to maximize their gain within the constraints of their reality. It is acceptance of that reality that is keeping us stuck in the same cycles that are degrading our planet. Young people, or people who are young at heart, are the ones willing to look at how things are done and ask: why? These are the people the world needs most. From that perspective, you can help protect our ocean in these tangible ways: 1. Stop using disposable products One of the antiquated mentalities that we need to replace in our society is that of comfort over sustainability. Comfort has become so ingrained in daily life that we have forgotten what w...